Situation Reports

Situation Report #2 - Hurricane Gonzalo as of 5:00 pm October 15, 2014


Hurricane Gonzalo impacted five (5) CDEMA Participating States but to date there have been no requests for CDEMA’s assistance or support.


Hurricane Gonzalo formed during the evening of Sunday 12th October, 2014 and moved across the Northern Leeward Islands through to Tuesday 14th October, 2014. Tropical Storm and/or Hurricane Watches and Warnings were declared for the CDEMA Participating States of Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Montserrat, St Kitts/Nevis and the British Virgin Islands. As of 6:00 am on Tuesday October 14th, 2014 all states would have been given the All Clear.


The CDEMA Coordinating Unit has received the following reports from the National Disaster Offices:

Antigua and Barbuda
Tropical Storm Gonzalo passed through Antigua and Barbuda between Sunday 12th and Monday 13th October, 2014 and resulted in minor flooding in several areas and some coastal erosion. Initial reports have indicated light infrastructural damage, downed power lines and trees country-wide.

Sector agencies along with the National District Disaster Committee Volunteer network are continuing relief efforts and assessments; however the preliminary reports indicate the following:

There have been no fatalities reported to date by the Health sector.

Light to moderate impacts to the housing stock were reported, with multiple homes within each district reporting partial or total loss of roofing and other structural damage from impacting debris.

The Ministry of Education reported that several Primary and Secondary institutions suffered partial loss of roofing and water damaged equipment and furniture.

Impacts have been reported to the Parham Harbor areas and vessels in the Jolly Harbor area. The Fisheries Division is continuing its assessments.

The Red Cross, local Amateur Radio clubs and other non-public sector partners continue to work with the National Disaster Management System to support the impacted populations and assess damages.

Gonzalo impacted Anguilla as a Category One Hurricane between October 13-14 October, 2014 with wind speeds ranging from approximately 80 mph to 110 mph. No significant damage has been reported.

There have been no reports of casualties.


  • Electricity

Disruption to the electricity supply was mainly on the eastern and western areas of the island which reported a number of poles down or damaged.

  • Water

Water services were interrupted owing to the disruption of the electric supply.

  • Telecommunications

Mobile and fixed lines communications were also disrupted with seven cell sites damaged.

Repairs and restoration works to the utilities are continuing.


Minimal damage was reported. All ports are opened for service.

Schools will remain closed until electricity has been restored.

Both Primary and Secondary have been 99% cleared of debris.

No significant impact reports received

St. Kitts & Nevis
No significant impact reports received

British Virgin Islands
No significant impact reports received


The Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) Coordinating Unit (CU) remained in constant contact with the states which included their Sub-Regional Focal Point, Antigua and Barbuda during the passage of Gonzalo.

The Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology provided the CDEMA CU with Tropical Weather System briefings to inform scenario planning.

There have been no requests for CDEMA’s support from the impacted states. CDEMA stands ready to provide assistance if necessary.

CONTACT DETAILS: The CDEMA CU 24-hour contact number 1(246) 425 0386. HF Radio contact 7.453.50 and 14.415.00.
