Situation Reports

CDEMA Situation Report #6 - Tropical Storm Erika (as of 9:00 pm on August 31st, 2015)

Message: Dominica: CDEMA CU continues to coordinate the Regional Response Mechanism to moblise support to Dominica.


Tropical Storm Erika became the fifth named storm of this year’s Atlantic Hurricane Season on August 24, 2015. Erika began impacting the CDEMA Participating States from Wednesday, August 26 and degenerated to a trough of low pressure on Saturday, August 29, 2015.

The Canefield Airport near the capital of Roseau, Dominica, recorded 12.64 inches of rain in a 12-hour period from Erika on Thursday, August 27. This resulted in severe flooding and landslides and wide spread damage across the island. As of August 28, 2015 twenty persons have been confirmed dead and several others were reported missing (source Prime Minister’s briefing).

The Government of Dominica and the CDEMA Coordinating Unit are working together on developing a plan to reduce the vulnerability of displaced persons. The Government of Dominica has commenced evacuation of residents of Petit Savanne. The Prime Minister declared nine (9) Special Disaster Areas. The Prime Minister’s address to the nation and declaration can be accessed at


The centre of Tropical Storm Erika passed about 90 miles to the North of Dominica at its nearest point with the storm producing intense rainfall across the island. The Canefield station recorded 12.64 inches of rain in a 12-hour period from Erika on Thursday, August 2015. Heavy rains caused flash flooding which affected most parts of the island.

A hotline has been established with the Office of Disaster Management (ODM) and the Dominica Red Cross to offer assistance to persons seeking information on family members. The number is 1 (767) 448-8280.

The Government of Dominica has established an account at the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank to receive contributions in support of its recovery and reconstruction efforts following the passage of Tropical Storm Erika.

The account details are as follows:
United States Dollars (USD)
Federal Reserve Bank (NY)
ECCB’s account number at the FED: 021083695
FFC Government of Dominica account 310301005

Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis

Damage assessment and needs analysis are ongoing. Data is currently being collated at the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC).

Declaration of Special Disaster Areas

The Government of Dominica has declared nine (9) Special Disaster Areas. These are:

  • Petite Savanne
  • Pichelin
  • Good Hope
  • Bath Estate (Paradise Valley)
  • Dubique
  • Campbell
  • Coulibistrie
  • San Sauveur
  • Petite Soufriere

The Government has reported that search and rescue was conducted in the affected areas. Access to a number of communities has been restored and injured persons have been airlifted to the Princess Margaret Hospital. Support is being organised to secure transportation via sea for coastal communities.


Dead and Missing
As of August 31, 2015, the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) has confirmed 11 out of the 20 feared dead. The NEOC has also reported 35 persons have been reported missing. In addition 574 persons were reported homeless, over 600 evacuated and 267 in shelters.


  • To date 52 houses have been reported as destroyed, and 89 damaged
  • Communications have been significantly hampered
  • Major damage to roadways and bridges has resulted in communities being cut off.


  • Roseau southwards to Soufriere is accessible.
  • Roseau to Loubiere to Bellevue is accessible.
  • Roseau, northwards along the west coast to Batalie is accessible.
  • Four wheeled drive vehicles can access Portsmouth via that route.
  • There are bypasses at Layou, Macoucherie and Batalie. However, the Batalie bypass is inaccessible.
  • There are diversions at Coulibistrie.
  • From Roseau to Pond Case to Castle Bruce, Kalinago Territory unto Marigot is accessible.
  • Northwards, from Portsmouth to Marigot is accessible and Portsmouth to Capuchin is accessible.
  • Portsmouth to Vielle Case and Penville are also accessible.

Police/Military Facilities

Police headquarters are reachable via cell phones.

Ports of entry

  • Melville Hall airports suffered damage and remain closed to commercial flights.
  • The Canefield airport is operational for helicopter and small aircraft use.
  • All sea ports remain functional and open.


The Government of Dominica has reported that approximately 45% of the area is without power. Areas without electrical power include:

  • Upper Trafalgar
  • Wotten Waven
  • Parts of Bellevue
  • Pichelin
  • Grand Bay
  • Montine
  • Tete Morne
  • Dubique
  • Stowe
  • Bagatelle
  • Fond St. Jean
  • Pte Savanne
  • Delices
  • Soufriere
  • Gallion
  • Scottshead
  • Macoucherie
  • Salisbury
  • Coulibistrie
  • Parts of Coihaut
  • Clarke Hall
  • Lyou Valley
  • Checkhall Valley
  • Canefield Industrial Estate
  • Penrise
  • Campbell
  • Meleville Hall
  • Marigot, Antrisle
  • Atkinson
  • Kalinago Territory
  • Concorde
  • Morpo
  • Dix Pas
  • Tronto
  • Morpo
  • Good Hope
  • Sans Sauveur
  • Pte Soufriere
  • Rosalie
  • Riviere Cyrique
  • La Plaine
  • Morne Jaune
  • Boetica
  • Pond Casse
  • Formel

Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Limited (DOWASCO) has restored pipe-borne water supply to 50% of the island. The Pan American Disaster Response Unit (PADRU) of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent is supporting DOWASCO in their water management efforts.

All FM radio stations are currently operational.

The telephone service providers have reported that 50% of the island has communication.

Sectoral information

Out of 22 assessed medical facilities: 10 are operational; 4 have an unknown status; 4 are not accessible and 4 are flooded.

Successful medical evacuations have been conducted from Portsmouth and Marigot.

The Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) together with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will collaborate to provide mental health counseling to primary and secondary survivors.

There has been a major loss of livestock in the Castle Bruce area (cattle and pigs). There are also reports of persons losing farm lands, crops and green houses.

The Government of Dominica has a reported preliminary figure of damages at EC$5,283,900.00. This figure excludes scenic spots.

National Actions

  • The National Emergency Operations Centre remains activated
  • Search and rescue and recovery efforts are ongoing
  • Relief operations are ongoing
  • Damage assessments are ongoing in all sectors
  • Clearing of roads has commenced in some areas.

Immediate needs

Through the Regional Response Mechanism (RRM) support for the immediate needs identified at this time continues. These include Emergency Operations Support, search, rescue and recovery efforts. Additionally, the RRM is also addressing the needs request for civil and geo-technical engineers to support assessment of soil, roads and bridges.

Relief supplies have been requested and these are currently being quantified.


The Regional Response Mechanism (RRM) remains activated. The RRM is an arrangement for the coordination of disaster response among CDEMA Participating States, and Regional and International Agencies. The RRM is coordinated by CDEMA through the Regional Coordination Centre in Barbados.

The CDEMA Executive Director, Mr. Ronald Jackson led a response mission into Dominica on Friday August 28, 2015. The team met with the Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and Disaster Management personnel for briefings and to provide policy advice and guidance on the relief and response operations as well as next steps to guide CARICOM support other external assistance as necessary. The CDEMA mission was also part of an aerial reconnaissance which has provided a better picture of the damage to the affected area. Mr. Jackson returned to Barbados on August 29, 2015.

Further to that deployment, quantification of needs and priorities are ongoing and are being coordinated by the CARICOM Disaster and Assessment Coordination (CDAC) team on the ground. The EOC Coordination is also being supported by the CARICOM Operational Support Team (COST). Additional CDAC and COST members are being deployed in Dominica over the course of the next two days to increase capacity to conduct these assessments. Personnel will be deployed from Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago.

Antigua and Barbuda: Two (six member person) Search and Rescue Teams have arrived in Dominica, and have been deployed to affected areas in support of local Search and Rescue efforts.

Barbados: The Government of Barbados has mobilized the Coast Guard Vessel HMS Trident which deployed on Sunday, August 30th. The Trident supported the deployment of equipment and personnel into Dominica to support deployment efforts. Currently the vessel is being used to support the evacuation of 600 persons.

One (six member person) Search and Rescue Team has arrived in Dominica, and has been deployed to affected areas in support of local Search and Rescue efforts.

Grenada: The Government of Grenada has committed to providing a pathologist to support the damage assessment process in Dominica.

Montserrat: Personnel from the Police and Fire Services and Cadets are on standby for deployment on Tuesday, September 1st, 2015. Emergency Operations support personnel from The Government of Montserrat is also being deployed to Dominica.

Saint Lucia: Personnel from the Polices and Fire Services have been deployed. Transportation was provided for Dominica Chief Medical Officer and two PAHO persons. Saint Lucia has also been facilitating the air-bridge to Dominica.

St. Kitts and Nevis: The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis has pledged EC$1 Million to support the disaster relief efforts in Dominica.

Trinidad and Tobago: Two helicopters have been provided for 116 hours of aircraft flying time. They have also pledged technical assistance by way of engineer personnel (road engineer and bailey bridge experts).

Regional Security System

The Regional Security System (RSS) is supporting the request made by the Government of Dominica for the provision of fifty (50) police and military personnel and sea assets to support on the ground relief operations.


The second meeting of the Eastern Caribbean Donor Partner Group for Disaster Management (ECDPGDM) was held at the CDEMA headquarters in Barbados on Monday, August 31, 2015. The third meeting of the ECDPGDM will be held at the CDEMA headquarters in Barbados on Thursday, September 3, 2015.

Pledges and indication of support from regional and international partners are outlined below:

Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) was formally contacted by the Prime Minister of Dominica to access the Emergency Relief Grant. This grant of US$200,000 is to be administered through CDEMA. CDB is in discussion with the Government of Dominica on other medium term assistance.

CARICOM Development Fund has stated that a US$20,000 grant is available for support and could be mobilised based on needs identified.

Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) has successfully installed meteorological equipment at both Canefield and Melville Hall airports. This followed a request from the Government of Dominica.

Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) has offered its support in the areas of environmental health, epidemiology, surveillance, vector control, and laboratory services.

University of the West Indies has committed to provide geo-technical and civil engineers to support assessment of soil, roads and bridges.

Government of Canada has indicated that an expandable purse is available based on the official request and needs identified from Dominica and this will be channelled through IFRC.

European Union The humanitarian aid and civil protection department of the EU (ECHO) has indicated that up to €300,000 could be made available and this would be based on needs identified from actors in the country. Discussions are ongoing with humanitarian partners. ECHO is also in contact with the Red Cross to eventually support their response action plan once presented. They further indicated that technical assistance or in-kind assistance could also be provided through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism if needed. The EU in collaboration with the World Bank will be supporting the Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA).

The Government of France has pledged additional airlift support to Dominica.

The Government of the United Kingdom has indicated £300,000 has been provisionally allocated based on needs identified. The ATPM Vessel is currently available for deployment to Dominica if necessary.

Government of the United States of America has indicated that an emergency grant of US$50,000 is available to support humanitarian assistance. This would require a formal request and would also be based on needs identified from the Government of Dominica. These funds will be channelled through the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC).

The IFRC is currently in Dominica coordinating relief efforts in conjunction with the National Emergency Operations Centre. Currently there are 16 Community Disaster Response Teams formed across the island in Pointe Michel, Cochrane, Laudat, Bath Estate, Mero, Layou, Warner, Marigo, Dublanc, Campbells, Petite Soufriere, Good Hope, Boetica, Tet Morne, Savenne Paille and Calibishie.

The Dominica Red Cross National Society has been conducting assessments in the communities that can be accessed. The Dominica Red Cross National Society has delivered food items and medical supplies (in conjunction with the Ministry of Health via Princess Margaret Hospital) as needed.

One U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) consultant is on the ground and five additional team members will arrive by August 31 to coordinate and undertake assessments. Additional funds may be made available as determined by the outcome of the assessment.

The Government of the US Virgin Islands was formally contacted by Dominica’s Chief Fire Officer, and has pledged support through the use of Search of Rescue teams, all terrain vehicles and a front end loader.

The Government of Venezuela has provided relief support which is managed through the NEOC.

The Government of Cuba has provided relief support which is being managed through the NEOC. The support includes 16 medical officers and 5 engineers (3 civil and 2 electrical). In addition, they have pledged support of the following health care personnel: 2 anaesthesiologists, 5 midwives, 7 family physicians and 3 nurses trained in dialysis.

United Nations Agencies

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) communications equipment along with two personnel have arrived in Dominica. Specifically ITU will provide 15 Iridium SAT Phones and 4 Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) terminals with their accessories and peripherals. It is anticipated that they will support the communication links with some of the isolated areas.

The Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) has indicated that a team member was in Dominica during the passage of Erika and supported the initial assessment of health facilities in the immediate aftermath of the storm. National relief doctors have been sent out to 12 health centres.

PAHO responded to the requests of the Ministry of Health through the identification of pathologists and psychological counsellors who are on standby for deployment. Also on standby is one SUMA/LSS national expert to assist the Government of Dominica with logistics support.

PAHO has also provided medical supplies which included pharmaceuticals gloves, syringes, nets, and nebulisers, and continues to support the ongoing health sector assessment efforts.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has stated that US$100,000 could be made available and this will be informed by the determination of the level of the disaster and needs expressed by the Government of Dominica. UNDP can also activate a SURGE team on demand and in consideration of the scale of the event to support effective country office response.

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has indicated that up to US$50,000 could be made available upon request and needs identified. UNFPA further indicated that technical support may be provided for sexual and reproductive health, psychosocial support and counselling along with Dignity kits for women.

United Nation’s Children Fund (UNICEF) has indicated that five persons trained in the Return to Happiness Programme are on standby in Saint Lucia for deployment if required. These personnel will be working with children.

UNICEF has also indicated that US$50,000 is available dependent on specified children’s needs, and advised that they would provide education kits to support the start of schools as well as psychosocial support for children.

UNICEF provided 500 boxes of adult hygiene kits, 100 boxes of infant hygiene kits and 80 cartons of water purification tablets.

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) has indicated that the Under-Secretary General of the United Nations has offered humanitarian assistance to the Government of Dominica.

UN Women has offered to provide gender experts for the needs assessment. Once assessments are completed the organisation can look into support in Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW) prevention.

World Bank stated that the Government of Dominica had written to the international financial institution to access the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) crisis window which could make US$1 million available. The World Bank also indicated support for the Post disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA), and has since deployed four (4) engineers from Guadeloupe.

CDEMA is coordinating the Regional Response Mechanism and providing direct support to Dominica.

CONTACT DETAILS: The CDEMA CU 24-hour contact number 1(246) 434-4880
