Situation Reports

CDEMA Situation Report #11 - Tropical Storm Erika (as of 1:00 pm on September 18th, 2015)



Damage and sector assessments are continuing. Preliminary estimates provided as at September 15, 2015 are as follows.


  • EC$236, 420,000



  • Crops – EC$13, 827,000

  • Livestock – EC$851,000

  • Infrastructure – EC$66,675,768

  • Farm housing, equipment and inputs – EC$1,515,700

  • Fishing Industry – EC$1,7500,000.


  • EC$51,715,672 .


  • EC$28,542,633

Public Works (Roads, Bridge.)

  • EC$612,700,000

Urgent needs as at September 15 are mainly for the following:

  • Housing- materials for re-building

  • Water Purification units and tablets

  • Heavy Equipment for search and recovery; cleanup and clearing

  • Health services – Sterile packs and Technical personnel (one Forensic Pathologist and two Blood Bank technicians).

  • Telecommunication Equipment to communicate with isolated communities

  • Agriculture supplies

  • Cash donations to support recovery efforts

Ongoing Regional/International Actions

Regional and international governments continue to support humanitarian relief and recovery efforts in Dominica. A summary of the support actions are provided at Annex 1 Highlighted is in this section are updates that were not previously provided in the CDEMA Situation Reports.

Through the support from the Government of Austria, a two-person technical team from the CDEMA Coordinating Unit, comprising the Emergency Operations Specialist and the Disaster Mitigation Specialist is scheduled to arrive in Dominica on September 21 to provide hands on support to the Office of Disaster Management. Areas targeted for the five day mission include technical support to the Office of Disaster Management in the aftermath of Erika and the elaboration of short to medium term programming priorities as identified by the Office of Disaster Management.

The Barbados Coast Guard continues to provide assistance to the relief and recovery efforts.

The Eastern Caribbean Donor Partner Group for disaster management (ECDPG/DM) held their fourth meeting on the Dominica situation on September 14, 2015 at the CDEMA Headquarters in Barbados. The meeting received updates on the humanitarian response to Dominica and discussed the immediate recovery/rehabilitation support pledged and being provided by their various governments and donor agencies.

The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRCS) launched an Emergency Appeal on September 10, 2015. The Emergency Appeal seeks 979,749 Swiss francs in cash, kind, or services to support the Dominica Red Cross Society (DRCS) to assist 3,000 families affected by Tropical Storm Erika over a timeframe of nine months. The operation will focus on relief distributions, emergency health including psychosocial support (PSS), water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, restoring family links (RFL), shelter, National Society institutional preparedness and capacity building.


The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica declared nine (9) Special Disaster Areas following the devastating impact of Tropical Storm Erika across the island. During the early hours of Thursday, August 27, 2015, the centre of Tropical Storm Erika passed about 90 miles to the North of Dominica at its nearest point, with the storm producing intense rainfall across the island. The Caribbean Meteorology and Hydrology Institute (CIMH) stated that the Canefield Airport near the capital of Roseau, Dominica, recorded 12.64 inches of rain in a 12-hour period. This resulted in severe flooding and landslides and wide spread damage to housing and infrastructure throughout the island. As of September 15, 2015, the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) confirmed 13 dead, 19 missing and 20 injured. Hundreds of families from the Special Disaster Areas have been displaced as a result of their homes being damaged or destroyed or of conditions in their communities considered as unsafe.

The Special Disaster Areas are:

  • Petite Savanne

  • Pichelin

  • Good Hope

  • Bath Estate (Paradise Valley)

  • Dubique

  • Campbell

  • Coulibistrie

  • San Sauveur

  • Petite Soufriere

The Government of Dominica has established an account at the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank to receive contributions in support of its recovery and reconstruction efforts.

The account details are as follows:

United States Dollars (USD)
Federal Reserve Bank (NY)
ECCB’s account number at the FED: 021083695
FFC Government of Dominica account 310301005


As of September 15, 2015, the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) has confirmed the following

Dead, Missing and Injured

  • 13 dead, 19missing and 20 injured.


  • 574 persons


  • 713 evacuated

Shelters and shelterees

  • Presently shelter is being provided for 313 persons and there are 52 persons registered at family homes.

Affected population

  • It is estimated that 7229 persons are affected in the disaster Declared areas

Damage and sector assessments are being undertaken by the various government ministries.


A detailed assessment of the housing stock is currently underway. However, preliminary estimates of damage is estimated at EC$236,240,000. Initially, it was reported that 271 houses were either damaged or destroyed of which 217 were in Petite Savanne and 54 in the rest of the country.


The Ministry of Health activated its Emergency Response Plan and Health Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) following the impact of Erika.

Three (3) hospitals and all health centres are operational. Some of these facilities are relying on tanks for the supply of potable water as access to piped water is not available.


Crops, Livestock land and fertile top soil have been destroyed as a result of the flood waters and landslides. 600 acres of Bay leaf have been compromised and the distillery has been destroyed. Additionally, access to farms and farm lands have been hampered due to washing away of bridges and roads to these locations. There are grave concerns for the welfare of farm animals in areas such as Petit Savanne. These animals are without food and water.

Preliminary assessments estimate the losses as follows:

  • Crops – EC$13, 827,000

  • Livestock – EC$851,000

  • Infrastructure – EC$66,675,768

  • Farm housing, equipment and inputs – EC$1,515,700

  • Fishing Industry – EC$1,7500,00 - EC$1,775,000.

Evaluation of the losses to the Agricultural Sector is continuing.


Preliminary assessment of the Tourism Sector has indicated damage in excess of EC$51,715,672


100% of the national water system was affected and the estimated costs to water and sanitation sector is EC$28,542,533. The Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Limited (DOWASCO) restored approximately 60% of the water systems by September 3. Some areas north of St. Joseph, along the west coast are without potable water and water is distributed by tanks to these areas. There is need to increase the distribution of water to affected areas to cut down on the distribution of bottled water. Disposal of the empty bottles is likely to pose an environmental concern later on. Two water purification units were presented to the environmental Health Department for distribution in the areas affected but there is a need for additional purification units and water purification tablets.

PAHO has provided a water sanitation expert to work with DOWASCO to assess the quality of water on the island.


Power was disrupted across the island but has been restored to most of the areas. Areas that are still without power include parts of CheckhalL Valley, Boetica and Delices.

The Dominica Electricity Services (DOMLEC) has stated that for safety purposes some homes will have to be re-certified before power can be restored.

Public Works (Roads, Bridges etc.)

Roads and bridges were significantly impacted and resulted in many areas being marooned. The preliminary damage estimate to roads and bridges stands at EC$612,700,000 million as of September 2, 2015. Transportation links have been restored to many areas island. Some areas were again impacted following the passage of two tropical waves over the period September 11- 15.



  • Building materials to help with the reconstruction efforts

Water and Sanitation

  • Water tanks

  • Water Purification Tablets

  • Water Purification units


  • 5000 sterile packs (high priority)

  • Air Ambulance to transport sick patients from areas still cut off from the rest of the island

Technical Personnel

  • Two blood-bank technicians (high priority)

  • One Forensic pathologist


  • Search, rescue and recovery equipment including boots; duffel bags with medical supplies. (This need has been partially met.)


  • Telecommunication equipment is required to communicate with persons in isolated communities. The provision of 15 Satellite phones and 4 BGANs has increased the ability to communicate across the island.

Clean up and clearing

  • Heavy equipment (tractors, excavators) – Consideration to source from nearby islands


  • Large supply of fertilizer (farm inputs)

  • Animal feed

Activation of Regional Response Mechanism

The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency activated the Regional Response Mechanism to provide a coordinated humanitarian response to Dominica. This facilitated the deployment of technical personnel and resources from the CDEMA Participating States to support search, rescue and recovery efforts, the National Emergency Operations Centre, damage and needs assessments and distribution of relief supplies. The activation of the RRM also allowed for the channeling of coordinated efforts of regional and international governments and donor partners through the Eastern Caribbean Donor Partners Group for Disaster Management. This Group is co-chaired by CDEMA and the United Nations Resident Representative to Barbados and the OECS.

The RRM was deactivated on Sunday, September 6, 2015 as the country began its transition from response to recovery and rehabilitation.

Technical Support to Office of Disaster Management

Through the support from the Government of Austria, a two-person technical team from the CDEMA Coordinating Unit, comprising the Emergency Operations Specialist and the Disaster Mitigation Specialist will be deployed or a five (5) day duration from September 21 - 25, 2015 to provide on the ground support in the aftermath of TS Erika. Areas targeted for the five day mission include technical support to the Office of Disaster Management in the aftermath of Erika and the elaboration of short to medium term programming priorities as identified by the Office of Disaster Management.


For detailed updates please refer Annex 1 Summary of Pledges and Support as at September 15, 2015.

CONTACT DETAILS: The CDEMA CU 24-hour contact number 1(246) 434-4880
