Regional Training Centre

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The CDEMA Council of Ministers, in June 2013, endorsed the establishment of a Regional Training Centre (RTC) that will set standards and build capacity for Comprehensive Disaster Management through a multi-stakeholder, collaboration and engagement. 


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The Agreement Establishing CDEMA mandates the Coordinating Unit to build and maintain required capabilities for CDM in the CDEMA system. The RTC is a mechanism for meeting this mandate, setting the standards for these capabilities, identifying capacity building needs among constituents and delivering training programmes that will address these needs.

Specifically the RTC will:

  • Promote Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM)
  • Establish standards for CDM capabilities
  • Identify gaps in CDM capabilities and training needs within the CDEMA system
  • Develop and maintain the capabilities for CDM through the provision of a programme of standardised training
  • Maintain a repository of resources to support capacity building
  • Maintain a record of existing capabilities, materials and resources
  • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of capacity building initiatives within the system
  • Promote innovation in CDM
  • Facilitate and promote partnerships for development and delivery of standardised training for CDM


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The core programme areas for the RTC are:

  1. Emergency Operations and  Contingency Planning
  2. Disaster Risk Management (Introductory)
  3. Programme Development and Management for CDM.

Training programmes are also offered in collaboration with regional and international partners covering courses in DRM. Please go to “Training Programmes” to find out more about our offerings. The catalogue of course offerings is under constant development and will be expanded over the next four years. 


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The primary beneficiaries include CDEMA Participating States particularly actors in the National Disaster Organisations, staff of the Coordinating Unit and DRM partners. These groups will benefit directly from the articulation and development of training and competency standards, capacity building interventions, training programmes and materials. Private sector agencies and individuals may also benefit from access to training at a cost. Secondary beneficiaries will be the communities in CDEMA countries that receive training from professionals that have gained skills and knowledge through the RTC standardised training programme. 


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Delivery of training at the RTC is flexible and responsive, recognising the unique needs and characteristics of beneficiaries. The RTC delivers traditional, classroom-style training both at the CDEMA HQ in Barbados and off-site in any CDEMA Participating State. The Centre also delivers online training though its DigitalChalk Learning Management System (LMS); blended training options can be designed.


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Introduction to Comprehensive Disaster Management in the Caribbean 



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