November 27th, 2023 - The Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) recently participated in the 33rd General Meeting of the Caribbean Association of National Training Authorities (CANTA) between November 7th- 8th, 2023 in St. Georges, Grenada.
During the meeting, CDEMA provided an update on the progress with plans for delivering training on the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) - Building Construction Site Supervision Level 3, Occupational Standard (OS), which it has partnered with CANTA to develop.
The CVQ was approved by the Council for Human and Social Development. A curriculum has also been developed and other training material, all of which are financed by CDEMA’s USAID Caribbean Climate Resilience Initiative (CCRI). During the meeting, plans were also concretized for upcoming sensitization and train-the-trainer workshops that will be held before the end of the year and training delivery in the first quarter of 2024. CANTA members also reaffirmed their commitment to the project. CANTA is an association of National Training Agencies and other TVET apex bodies in CARICOM states established in November 2003.
In collaboration with CDEMA, National Training Authorities will facilitate training through designated training providers in an initial eight Caribbean countries- Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Caribbean Vocational Qualifications (CVQs) define the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for effective workplace performance. They are competency-based occupational regional qualifications that can provide a means for certifying persons practicing in the construction industry and facilitate the free movement of skilled certified workers within the Caribbean single market economy.
The new Building Construction Site Supervision CVQ was developed to address the content of a new standard for the Construction of Houses called the CARICOM Regional Standard CRS 10: 2023, Construction of Houses — Code of Practice. CDEMA developed this standard under the authority of the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality under the project, Support to the Advancement of Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) in the CDEMA Participating States, with funding from the Government of Norway.
The CARICOM Regional Standard CRS 10: 2023, Construction of Houses — Code of Practice was approved as a CARICOM Regional Standard by the CARICOM Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) at its 56th Meeting in June 2023.