The CDEMA Council of Ministers, in June 2013, endorsed the establishment of a Regional Training Centre (RTC) that will set standards and build capacity for Comprehensive Disaster Management through a multi-stakeholder, collaboration and engagement.
Mission & VIsion
The Agreement Establishing CDEMA mandates the Coordinating Unit to build and maintain required capabilities for CDM in the CDEMA system. The RTC is a mechanism for meeting this mandate, setting the standards for these capabilities, identifying capacity building needs among constituents and delivering training programmes that will address these needs.
Specifically the RTC will:
- Promote Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM)
- Establish standards for CDM capabilities
- Identify gaps in CDM capabilities and training needs within the CDEMA system
- Develop and maintain the capabilities for CDM through the provision of a programme of standardised training
- Maintain a repository of resources to support capacity building
- Maintain a record of existing capabilities, materials and resources
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of capacity building initiatives within the system
- Promote innovation in CDM
- Facilitate and promote partnerships for development and delivery of standardised training for CDM
Regional Training Centre Advisory Council
An advisory body has been established to guide the establishment and subsequent functioning of the CDEMA Regional Training Centre. The RTAC advises the CDEMA Executive Director on matters relevant to the RTC.
The roles and responsibilities of the RTAC are as:
The roles and responsibilities of the RTAC are as:
- Provide overall advice for the establishment and management of the CDEMA RTC
- Advise the Executive Director on Policy related matters related to the Integrated Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Training, Capability and Capacity Development within the Region,
- Advise on the Strategic Direction of the Training Centre
- Advise on prioritization of training and capacity development programmes
- Encourage ambitious and innovative course development and initiatives to advance the RTC
- Review, advise and endorse the work programmes, annual plans and budgets of the CDEMA RTC ahead of submission to the CDEMA Governance System for final approval.
- Advise on the development and articulation of standards (including common tools and guidelines) for development and delivery of RTC training programmes/courses and on the implementation of these programmes in general inter alia programme goals and objectives, schedules, and work plans.
- The RTAC Members will also be required to join and/or support policy and advocacy events within the CDEMA Calendar events nationally, regionally and internationally.
- Identify and propose measures that may be taken to support the effective implementation of the RTC Work Plan
- Promote Research and field studies, analysis and the consolidated of information or knowledge within the CDEMA CRIS (Caribbean Risk Information System) Virtual Knowledge Platform
- Ensure that CDEMA RTC strategies and programmes are evaluated and the results of evaluations reported, in accordance with the overarching Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) policy of CDEMA
- Receive and review progress reports of CDEMA RTC work programmes.
- Advise on the formation and strengthening of strategic partnerships to advance the DRM capacity building in the region.
- Advise on any other matters of concern to the Regional Training Centre program goals and objectives.
Membership of the RTAG
The Executive Director of CDEMA (or his designate) is the Chair of the RTAG.
The other members of the RTAG are agencies that have agreed to participate in the Advisory Group. Each agency nominates a representative to attend the meetings of the RTAG. The members of the RTAG are as follows:
The other members of the RTAG are agencies that have agreed to participate in the Advisory Group. Each agency nominates a representative to attend the meetings of the RTAG. The members of the RTAG are as follows:
- The University of the West Indies (As chair of the Education Sector Sub-Committee (ESSC) of the CDM Harmonization Council)
- One representative PS from each of the four (4) Sub-Regions of CDEMA,
- The Regional Security System (RSS),
- The Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO),
- The USAID Office For Disaster Assistance (OFDA),
- The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC),
- A representative of the private sector,
- A representative of ACTI
- A representative of the Fiji National University (facilitate the SIDS Lens in a Globalized Context as well as the South South Cooperation)
- Any other agencies or individuals which can assist the RTC in fulfillment of its mandate.
The CDEMA Regional Training Centre (RTC) is the training and learning arm of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) Coordinating Unit (CU). It was Established in 2015 with the endorsement of the CDEMA Council of Ministers, with the mandate to build capacity for Comprehensive Disaster Management within CDEMA Participating States and sets standards for CDM capabilities, through multi-stakeholder collaboration and engagement.